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Did You Lose Your Shoes?
- As a child, at a summer camp, someone used to throw their shoes up a tree. In the morning, you run like crazy in search of your sneakers. And they're just hovering over your head. Such a happy time!
Early Spring
- Early spring is a magical time when nature wakes up and is full of energy.
- Like all other dogs, I love to play. Play with me !
- North dogs project
Walking Dog
- Experience of walking dogs can be summarized by two words: pull and push :) When my dog decides to stop and sniff something, the planet stops rotating, everything stops and silently waits for my Majesty to decide to budge. And he can stay in one place for 5-10 minutes. "Hey doggy, it is Canada, winter !!!" And I try to…
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Window of opportunity
- Sometimes our dreams are easy to achieve. Just open the window and let your dream come true.
- Painting is realized from my photo taken in Utah.
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- Hidden away deep inside the mountains are wonderful caves and grottos where you can marvel at stalagmites, stalactites, ice formations, crevasses large enough to walk inside.
Friends Conversation
Prints available- Acrylic painting on wood panel. It is the great decoration on the wall. The bigger size of the print are available.
Tree Frog
- Tree frog in black and white. Tree frogs are amazing creatures. They live in trees for most of their lives. Their fingers and toes are equipped with tiny suction cups. This allows tree frogs to climb smooth surfaces, even windowpane.
Happy Cow
- Monochrome (black & white) painting. Cows are very intelligent and they have great senses. They can see in color and can smell up to six miles away. In ancient Hindu texts, the cow appears as the divine cow, which fulfills all desires. I hope it will bring the happiness to your house !
Winter Silence
- Winter silence has magical and healing powers. All worries and problems go away by themselves.
Cloudy Road
- It was painted from the photo I took in Utah. The clouds in Utah are just so beautiful. This painting is the winner of "Favourite painting" price at the Beaconsfield 2019 fall exhibition.
Winter Light
- Sunlight breaks through the branches and shimmers in every snowy crystal. Everything is filled with energy. And you feel this energy transfer to you.
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Magic City
- We need some magic in our life. Here is the magic city with the perfect life there.
Dog’s Funny Portrait
- This is the painting of my friend's dog. Little bit cartoonish, but his personality is well captured.
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Wild Flowers
- This unusual bouquet will decorate any home.
- Original Sold
- Original Sold
Original Sold
Half reality
Prints available- Acrylic painting on wood panel. Reality and abstraction are close in all respects. Close your eyes and plunge into a whimsical abstract world where anything is possible.
Original Sold
What If They Speak
Prints available- Acrylic painting on wood panel. Visualize if the bottles can speak. What will the conversation be about? - "I am the most attractive in the group! Look at my form!" - "No, the form does not matter. People love us because of the content :)" - "And sometimes just glass of water even better", glass added.
Original Sold
Smiling Sheep
Prints available- Sheep portrait, limited palette. Sheep are herbivores and need to be able to protect themselves when a predator comes along. A broad line of sight, aided by wide, rectangular-shaped pupils, allows them to see danger approaching from their peripheral vision.
Original Sold
Prints available- Monochrome (black & white) acrylic painting on wood panel. When it comes to animal intelligence, these birds rate up there with chimpanzees and dolphins. They can learn to talk better than some parrots. Also, ravens seem capable of feeling empathy. When a raven’s friend loses in a fight, they will seem to console the losing bird.
Original Sold
Walking Together
Prints available- Walking with my dogs is the best time of my day. I don't know who is walking who :) But we are walking together. Original painting is SOLD
Original Sold
Funny Owl’s Babies
Prints available- Owls are intriguing birds that easily capture the attention and curiosity of everyone. They are very intelligent and funny. They can rotate their necks 270 degrees. As a owl lover, I cannot escape do not paint them :) Owls are generally a symbol of wisdom, regal silence, and fierce intelligence.
Original Sold
We are strong together
Prints available- So fragile and yet so strong. And if they are also together, then they are invincible.
Original Sold
Le Politicien
Prints available- Acrylic painting on wood panel. Roosters lead to self-sufficiency and they are are protectors. Like a lot of politicians :) SOLD
Original Sold
Can you hear me ?
Prints available- Hens are strong, confident, alert and strut their stuff. You can see it in her shiny feathers and brightly colored comb. SOLD